A Growing List Of The Best Fan Designs In Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Most Animal Crossing players have come across in-game items that they adore. Whether it's a hat that blocks out the sun or a towering monster statue that guards your home, Nintendo has created a deep well of content for players to enjoy. And that's not all. Players can also make their own custom designs that can be shared with anyone in the world for free. The custom designs show off the player's artistic abilities, and often bring licensed content into the game, such as an Overwatch t-shirt or a painting of a certain goose.
Custom content can be added in two ways. The first is NookLink, which is a part of the Nintendo Switch Online service found on your real-world phone (which requires Switch Online subscription). NookLink allows you to scan QR codes using your phone's camera. Once a code is scanned correctly, bring up your fake phone in Animal Crossing: New Horizons and go to custom designs to find the item of note.
The second way just takes a little playing (and a Switch Online subscription). Once you unlock the Able Sisters' shop, you'll find a terminal that leads to the Custom Designs Portal. Here, you can enter a code (as seen on the images below) to download a specific item or see what a specific designer has made. You can also use this portal to upload and share your own marvelous creations.
Below is a selection of some of the coolest items the Game Informer crew found thus far. Many come from Margaret Andrews and Kristin Williams, two of Game Informer's web designers and programmers. They have a great eye for in-game content, and wanted to share it with all of you. This list will hopefully continue to grow over the course of the year with new discoveries. We'd also like to see your art or your favorite pieces in the comments section below.
Have fun playing, and beware of the tarantulas!
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